Now ‘Talaqbandi’


After the controversial Notebandi that stole sleep of corrupt bureaucrats, politicians and money hoarders, Modi Government has come out heavily on ‘Triple Talaq’ a custom that has been playing havoc with women folk of Indian Muslim community for past so many decades. Surprisingly, most of Muslim countries have already banned Tripple Talaq in their countries considering it as un-Islamic and unconstitutional

Muslims have a separate Muslim law in India which allows Muslim males to keep up to four wives at a time. Since maintaining many wives simultaneously is always a difficult proposition, Muslim males generally misuse Tripple Talaq as a tool to get rid of their wives one after another to get a new wife without violating law of the land. But Tripple Ralaq certainly violates the Indian constitution that guarantees equal rights for both males and females irrespective of their creed and caste.

The Bill should have been passed years ago when Bill against conservative Hindu traditions like ‘Sati Pratha’, Child Marriage and dowry were passed. But this didn’t happen. Even after that all governments headed by the so called champions of equality did not do so for reasons best known to one and all. This compelled Muslim women to seek justice from the court of law which in a landmark decision not only held Tripple Talaq as void, it also directed the Central government to get a Bill against this custom passed in the Parliament within six months and it is in this backdrop that anti-Tripple Talaq Bill is making rounds in the Indian Parliament for discussion and passage.

Though, Congress allowed Bill against Tripple Talaq to be passed in the Lok Sabha, it has now decided to contest it in the Rajya Sabha where Opposition is in majority. Congress wants certain amendments in the Bill. It also wants to send it to ‘select committee’, but question arises as to why Congress party did not bring any amendment on the Bill when it was being discussed in the Lok Sabha? The answer once again is simple and same — the vote bank politics.

This is true that law on Tripple Talaq will not wipe out the evil practice completely, but it can indeed prove to be an effective deterrent against those who deliberately misuse the custom in a sadistic manner. Legal proceedings in criminal offences are long indeed, but this period can be utilized for bringing the two warring parties together if sincere efforts are made by friends and families of both the parties. This is not merely a perception, but my personal experience.

My friends will be surprised to know that I have played key role in uniting over a dozen of wives and husbands who had either gone for a divorce or had decided to go for it. One among them was a Muslim couple.

He was a friend of mine and lived about a couple of kilometers away from me. I knew that he had abandoned his wife under pressure from his mother and that she was living with her parents for past nearly one year.

My friend would come to me almost daily to discuss his family problem and every time I would insist for a compromise.

One morning, my friend came to me. “After great persuasion I have succeeded in convincing my angry mother for a compromise, but my in-laws are still adamant. They do not intend to send their daughter back to my house”, he said with pain in his eyes.

“Can I help you”? I asked eagerly knowing well that since my friend’s obstinate mother had already agreed, the need of the hour now was to make sincere and hectic efforts to bring his in laws on board. He kept silent gazing in the empty bright sky over his head. I knew he wanted to say yes.

“Have you asked your wife about her opinion”, I asked?

“No, they do not allow me to meet her”, he said.

“If you say, I can make an effort”, I asked. Fully aware that my offer was from a sincere friend, he shook his head in agreement.

Next day, I met his in laws and his wife to assess their views on the issue. They knew me well, so I came to the point without beating about the bush. As all parents want, the parents of my friend’s wife also wanted that their daughter lived happily with her husband. They however, had few apprehensions. “Mother in law of our daughter wants another marriage of her son. She is a cruel lady who will not allow our daughter to settle easily there”, they complained. After hearing them for an hour I asked if I could meet their daughter, and they agreed.

When I met her she was in tears. So instead of wasting time I came to the point straight away. “Are you ready to join your husband and children at your in-laws”? As expected, she did not respond quickly. However after sometime she said, “As you think wise Bhai ji”. And after a little persuasion and few assurances she agreed. My job was half done. The next task was to get certain assurances from my friend’s family particularly his mother.

His house was on the way. So I halted there and reported about my visit to my friend’s in laws. They were also positive.

Next day, I discussed the issue with a advocate friend and sent a message to both the parties for appearing before the Sub-Judge who after accepting the mutual written request of the effected couple, issued orders for quashing their deed of divorce with immediate effect.

Luckily, parents of both husband and wife kept their promise thereby making the ‘reunion’ a successful, meaningful and useful exercise.

The above example is a proof to the fact that if sincere efforts are made, couples suffering from separation due to divorce can reunite and live a happy life once again. This also proves that had it been a Tipple Talaq instead of a simple Talaq, the reunion, perhaps would not have been so easy because in case of a Tripple Talaq, my friend’s wife would have gone for an agonizing Halala practice before remarrying my friend.

Many may not agree, but I am fully convinced that Law against Tripple Talaq will not only provide enough opportunity for a ‘reunion’, it will also save the victims from the agonizing Halala practice. I also believe that the new law will prove to be a mile stone in the history of Muslim women, their empowerment and gender equality in Indian society.

What is your opinion, my friends?