Will Pakistan ever become India’s friend?


Ever since partition of India due to nasty selfish politics of Nehru and Jinah, Pakistan has proved itself to be an enemy of India forgetting that it was itself a part of this grand nation until 1947. Despite all this, India has made all out efforts to befriend Pakistan believing it to be its younger sister nation.

For instance,

  • a. When Pakistan tried to usurp Kashmir forcibly immediately after its separation from united India, India preferred to seek ceasefire when it was in a strong position of recapturing whole of annexed Kashmir by force, to avoid further conflict with Pakistan.
  • b. In 1965, when Pakistan waged a full fledged war on India, India not only stopped its army from entering Lahore, it also returned whole of captured Pakistani area to Pakistan as a good will gesture.
  • c. In 1971, India released from its captivity about ninety thousand Pakistani prisoners of war in the wake of liberation of Bangladesh, that too without any precondition.
  • d. Again, in 1999, Pakistan infiltrated its Amy in Kargil and captured strategically important mountain peaks there. The incursion was repelled by Indian Army by inflicting a humiliating defeat on Pakistan. During that war whereas Pakistani soldiers took away heads of few Indian brave martyrs, India sent back dead bodies of Pakistani soldiers with full honor and respect.

Pakistan also intensified its policy of exporting and fueling terrorism, frequently violating ceasefire on LOC and International Border and humiliating families of unlawfully captured civilians languishing in army captivity on false charges of spying challenging International Law of Justice.

In reply, India however, has made various sincere efforts to burn differences of past that include Vajpayee’s famous Lahore Bus Yatra, Modi’s initiative of inviting Pak Prime Minister Nawaz Shrief on the former’s oath ceremony as Prime Minister of India in 2014, attending the marriage ceremony of Nawaz Shrief’s daughter without invitation by throwing to winds all sorts of official protocols and India continuing its policy of granting Pakistan a status of most favored nation.

India, in fact has left no stone unturned to befriend its younger sister nation Pakistan, but what Pakistan gave in return except the nasty and unfriendly policy of thousand cuts?

Pakistan over the years has played in the hands of America and China, which used it as a tool to check fast emerging India at the global level. But, when both have failed in their selfish designs, they have virtually left Pakistan to fend for it. Now, whereas, America is showing eyes to Pakistan terming it as a rogue nation, the Dragon is also planning to withdraw its financial support to Pakistan under increasing International pressure.

Unfortunately, after a bitter experience of seventy years of animosity with India Pakistan has failed to understand the Golden principal, “We can change our friends but not our neighbor”. Today, therefore is the right time for Pakistan to realize this reality and offer a hand of friendship with India by forgetting the bitterness of the past.

I am convinced that, this is the only option left for Pakistan if this fast diminishing nation really wants to exist on the map of the world due to its own domestic disorders and growing image of being a factory of terrorism in the eyes of entire international community.

What is your opinion, my friends?